Usually it means the clearest aspect of the mind, but then, is it that there is no consciousness when we are semiconscious or unconscious? Do insects have it? Maybe it’s better to speak of “cognitive faculty” rather than consciousness.
Actually it’s difficult to define what “consciousness” or “conscious” means. “Sentient” doesn’t necessarily mean being conscious or being human on a conscious level. Things that can move under their own will or desire, that’s what a “sentient being” means, according to the discussions that I’ve had with scientists.
And as sentient beings, we have even more mechanisms to help us survive. But more than that, we human beings including insects, even amoebas, the smallest beings are considered sentient beings. If negative force is exerted against them, then, on a chemical level, flowers repair themselves to survive. Even non-sentient beings like flowers have the right to exist. We are here we exist and we have the right to exist. The Purpose of Life Is to Strive for Happiness